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Calibre | Free eBook Library Management Software |
You can find eBook easily by search and sort, you can search eBook by type the keyword on search field, the keyword can be eBook title, eBook tag, eBook author and more, you can also sort the eBook library by author, tag, date released, publisher, ratings, tags and identities. Calibre software is also supports extra metadata, which is enable you to adding more information into the eBook.
Calibre software has been completed with converter feature, which is allowing you to convert HTML, TXT, RTF and LIT into various eBook formats you desire. That's feature also enable you to automatically convert RSS feed from your favorite website into eBook format. Calibreis software is works on all Microsoft Windows version, and it's released under GPL license, so you can download it for free.
Download Calibre
this blog, do not give illegal software, this blog post only free software, open source, trial, all files on the download link directly from the server software providers, or from the pages of other websites such as Softpedia or cnet, and image screenshoot also from softpedia, cnet or software provider. All download links in this blog is free from virus, if you do not find the link download the software that you want, meaning the software has a specific policy or blocked because of licensing issues. for more, please read our f.a.q